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Success stories and media reports

  • Alpiq InTec
  • Charles Vögele
  • Innova
  • Luzerner Kantonalbank
  • Mammut
  • Manor
  • Pilatus Werke
  • Ringier
  • PwC
  • Swica
  • Swisscom

Less work. More money in the bank
What used to take 20 days can now be done in 5 – with annual savings in the 6-figure range. Alpiq InTec has automated its invoicing process.
PDF Download: English [450 KB] | German [448 KB] | French [451 KB]

An optimized auditing process ensures compliance and saves money
Processing vendor invoices, from their receipt until their timely payment, takes a considerable amount of work and expenditure. In this process, it is important not to make any errors as these could quickly lead to substantial costs that are, in fact, avoidable. It is understandable, then, that Charles Vögele uses fine-tuned processes, carefully considered procedures, and specialized computer systems to monitor and settle its vendor invoices.
PDF Download: English [224 KB] | German [225 KB] | French [231 KB]

Invoice processing at Charles Vögele: careful process analysis forms the basis of successful optimization
Since 2012, Swiss fashion company Charles Vögele has carried out procurement and invoice processing for its non-merchandise (shop equipment, office materials, etc.) using a highly efficient, fully digital process. Since autumn 2015, the corresponding process for merchandise (primarily clothing) has also been digitized. Given that it processes some 18,000 invoices annually to the tune of around CHF 290 million, it was clear from the start that the management saw significant potential here and had high expectations.
PDF Download: English [478 KB] | German [475 KB] | French [481 KB]

Charles Vögele establishes integrated procurement process
The fact that a retailer buys goods in order to sell them on is obvious – after all, that is their core business. This involves moving considerable sums of money. The processes relating to offer inquiries, negotiations, and settlement reflect this in their complexity and efficient designs.
IT business - PDF Download: German [140 KB] | French [155 KB]

How incoming mail independently reaches the right contact person
In late 2013, insurer innova Versicherungen introduced a new process for digitally processing its incoming customer mail.
PDF Download: English [507 KB] | German [508 KB] | French [514 KB]

A low-risk investment: Luzerner Kantonalbank modernizes its financial processes using Basware invoice automation
The figures are impressive: Founded in 1850, Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (LUKB), with its team of around 1,000 employees, is the leading bank in the Swiss canton of Lucerne. With a total of 26 offices, it is among the largest of Swiss cantonal banks. Standard & Poor’s awards it a strong rating of AA. The leading bank in Lucerne has more to offer, however, than just the figures it presents to the outside world. Its in-house financial processes are also impressive. On average, LUKB takes just one day to process an invoice – from receipt to payment – although some involve multiple approval loops. This is due to Swiss system integrator Tessi Solutions and Basware Invoice Automation software. With 25,000 invoices to be processed each year, the benefits can be quantified in hard cash. And the investment will have paid off in just a few years. It means that Luzerner Kantonalbank has put an end to paper-based financial processes once and for all.
PDF Download: English [698 KB] | German [702 KB] | French [701 KB]

Error-free invoices at Mammut
With its new invoice automation solution from Basware, Mammut aimed to design its procedures within the company more transparently while saving time and reducing error rates.
PDF Download: English [502 KB] | German [500 KB] | French [505 KB]

Paperless accountancy
The department store chain Manor has switched to electronic invoice processing and is now saving considerable amounts of money. - PDF Download: German [267 KB]

Manor introduces fully digital personnel files
As they are spread over more than 50 locations across Switzerland, managing the personnel files of around 11,500 active employees is costly and laborious. Particularly as they are also in paper form, which presents additional challenges in terms of the required protection against loss and unauthorized access. Manor, Switzerland’s biggest department store chain, was therefore anxious to bring about significant improvements in the efficiency and security of its management of personnel files, as well as the ability to access them from any location.
PDF Download: German [688 KB] | French [666 KB]

Pilatus Werke is systematically turning to digital processes
Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG in Stans (Nidwalden) is considered an icon of the Swiss economy. Its training aircraft are held in esteem throughout the world and their brand-new business jet PC-24 has already found numerous buyers even before its first flight. This is an impressive testament to customer trust in the quality of its products. A lesser known fact is that Pilatus also uses a range of innovative solutions for the highest levels of efficiency and quality within its internal management processes.
PDF Download: English [390 KB] | German [389 KB] | French [391 KB]

At Ringier, invoices find their destinations of their own accord
Tessi Solutions (RR Donnelley) automates creditor workflows and reduces processing times at Swiss media company Ringier.
Sysdata - PDF Download: German [1'176 KB]

PwC receives its invoices digitally
PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) has over 2,700 employees and over 12,000 customers, making it the most significant auditing and consulting company in Switzerland. It is part of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, which has a presence in 151 countries around the world. Intensive knowledge exchanges and cross-border teamwork with all the countries in the PwC network are part of everyday work at the company. The individual PwC member organizations receive services from both external suppliers and other PwC companies, which result in orders and the invoices these entail.
Professional Computing - PDF Download: German [178 KB] | French [91 KB]

SWICA digitizes all incoming mail
SWICA is one of the largest healthcare insurers in Switzerland. Naturally, providing service to some 1.3 million policyholders requires extensive correspondence. The volume of incoming mail now stands at more than 4 million paper documents per year. This includes invoices from doctors and hospitals, commitments to cover treatment expenses and many other items.
PDF Download: English [399 KB] | German [400 KB] | French [402 KB]

Invoice processing: Two specialists (Tessi Solutions and Swisscom) team up together
Invoices are received through multiple channels.
PDF Download: English [355 KB] | German [356 KB] | French [362 KB]


  • enaio®
  • Hybrid incoming mail

Finding is the new searching: enaio® 8.0
With the new version, the Berlin-based software company OPTIMAL SYSTEMS has not only made consistent, further improvements to its ECM suite, but has also broken fresh ground.
PDF Download: English [522 KB] | German [516 KB] | French [521 KB]

Hybrid incoming mail: Everyone knows what it is, nobody wants it!
Everyone knows what it is, nobody wants it: Hybrid incoming mail. These days, we receive company-related information through a range of channels, whether in paper form, as emails, or through web forms. The daily challenge for any company is to harmonize varied information and feed it into an electronic process.
Sysdata - PDF Download: German [1'289 KB] / French [423 KB]